Laptop PSU repair

The problem

Dont have your laptop charger between sofa cushions while it is plugged in.


Teardown to find the damage

Opening the laptop charger is a bit difficult since it is glued/melted
shut. Both plastic halves needs to be cracked.


Some measurements

Diode bridge could be measured, found to be shorted.

Burnt smell was from the fuse


Testing the remaining parts

On the pcb, measuring the mosfet and checking the coils for shorts, nothing awry could be found.

I replaced the broken retifier bridge and added a new fuse.

Soldered in place and tested

A minifuse from a car, cut and soldered in place.

It fits nicely.

As it is already cracked open i decided to add a
little upgrade.

I cut the positive output wire and installed a
KDS9700 @50°C

Charger is now heat cut-off upgraded : )



It starts fine when plugged in.

10W LED run for a while, no problems.

All is ok, still in use today

