Arc reactor prop
Print and assembly of a halloween prop.
Custom microcontroller used to make the reactor pulsate slowly.
There is a switch included that enables two states:
PWM pulsing and solid light.
Both modes are dimmable with analog potentiometer.
Components needed
mosfet (N-channel) IRF2807
battery holder for 2x AA or use a USB powerbank
Cold white LEDs
PCB prototyping board
Two state switc
3D printer
STL files - Arc reactor - credit goes to Showphi on Thingiverse
PCB belt clip - credit goes to me ; )
Attiny13 or similar
Printing the parts
Four parts for the reactor.
Two parts for the box.
Resistors are all 180Ω
PWM pulse
sets the ontime for LEDs, they can all be parallell
connected since the MOSFet removes the current load from the microcontroller.
I placed a 100kΩ potentiometer in series with the
LED resistors, makes the light dimmable. also in dark environment battery life is greatly extended.
lowest current draw
per diode is 22μA
schematic, no caps needed.
This circuit does not have "state" switch
I've misplaced the code...
perhaps I'll find it soon.
Prototype board
Proof of concept
Installation of circuit board
Fit components for prototype box.
Installation of LEDs
I only installed ten LEDs, it'll bright enough.
For each diode a resistor is needed,
the center collection is in series with the potentiometer.
Lights up ok, maximum load on 5V
Testing the setup IRL
Unit is place through a hole in a shirt.
clip in belt, powerbank in pocket